This is the ideal real for the flats angler. Zane Carbon is a lightweight, large arbor sealed disc drag reel capable of handling anything from Bonefish to Seatrout in its smaller sizes to Permit and Tarpon in the 10 and 12+ sizes. The regulated hard indent drag system allows accurate drag settings to be applied quickly in the heat of battle.
Reel Size 3/4/5: Weight 10.50, Max Drag 12lb | 6kg, Fly Line Capacity WF12+250 (30lb Dacron)
Reel Size 6/7/8: Weight 8.30, Max Drag 8lb | 3.6kg, Fly Line Capacity WF8+200 (20lb Dacron)
Reel Size 8/9/10: Weight 10.00, | Max Drag 10lb | 4.5kg, Fly Line Capacity WF11+290 (30lb Dacron)
Reel Size 12+: Weight 11.40, Max Drag 14lb | 6.4kg, Fly Line Capacity WWF12+400 (30lb Dacron)
• Barstock 6061/ Carbon with non-flash salt-safe anodised finish
• Fully sealed multi-pad disc drag with 10lb+ stopping power
• 340 degree regulated drag control with hard indents for fast accurate adjustments